Brewers’ grain:
the ingredient of our future.

Upcycle impact for us all

At MaGie Creations, we believe we can only prosper on a healthy planet. So, we need to make optimal use of everything earth gives us. This is why we collect brewers’ grain and upcycle it into valuable, planet-proof ingredients for brand owners, artisanal bakery entrepreneurs and producers in the food industry.

Our ambition is to lower the footprint of food production by upcycling brewers’ grain into ingredients that are proven that deliver high taste, nutritional value and sustainability whilst protecting your margin.

1. Taste

Neutral taste which means it can be used in many ways.

2. Health

A grain product with strong health benefits.

3. Planet

Optimal use of natural resources.

Our upcycled brewers’ grain innovations opens up many windows of opportunities for you a a brand owner or food producer. Our PowerFlour allows you to optimize your recipes to improve taste, health and sustainability whilst protecting your margins. How about that? We deliver a proven product that adds a bit (or a lot) of magic to your business.

“PowerFlour adds wonderful complexity to the taste of our products.”

– Gerard Bol, Bakkerij van Vessem

Collaborate with us

We’re onto something big here with PowerFlour! We’ve been convinced of that since we started in 2018. But we cannot achieve this food revolution on our own.

We love collaborating with brand owners and food producers who believe in PowerFlour, and want to create tasty, healthy food solutions for a sustainable future. Let’s do it together! Give us a call if you want to join our modest, yet already impressive line of customers and collaborators.