From Brewer’s Grain to functional ingredients

What is brewer’s grain?

Beer is brewed with grain. With barley mainly. Did you know beer brewers do not use the entire grain kernel to brew their beer though? They extract the sugars and starches, discarding the proteins and fibres also present in the grain.

This results in a massive residue stream we call brewer’s grain. A tasty stream full of fibres, plant-based protein and essential amino acids.

Through our highly controlled process, we

upcycle this nutritious stream into tasty, nutritious ingredients for the food industry.

PowerFlour to start with. An ingredient fit to use in food production in many different ways. Think of pastry, hybrid meat and snacks for example.

A second ingredient, optimized in functionality, will be introduced to market soon.

So enjoy your beer while we take care of the rest. Cheers!

our upcycling process


Beer brewery produces beer.


Brewer’s grain is collected.


Together, we produce tasty, healthy, and sustainable food products.

In the Netherlands and Belgium alone, kilos of brewers’ grain are lost to the feed industry every year. MaGie Creations saves otherwise undervalued good food through a simple yet brilliant process. It upcycles brewers’ grain into ingredients with maximum functionality.


We process brewer’s grain that is supplied by several breweries. All of which are located in Flanders. With Haacht brewery, a medium-sized family brewery located in Boortmeerbeek, Flanders, we work together longest and most intensively. Our shared belief that it is possible to create a more sustainable food industry is fertile ground for the creation of important innovations. This is how we jointly ensure that brewer’s grain can be widely used as ingredients for our food.


Brewlicious is our brand of good food made with brewer’s grain. Through our Brewlicious line of products, we guide the way and show how great upcycled food can taste. So you can enjoy food that does not deplete people or planet!

Think, for example, of our Bar, that is available in the flavours Apple Cinnamon and Choco Cranberry.

Want to learn more? Read about Brewlicious and the delicious brewer’s grain products we make here.

Brewlicious Bar